Friday, July 30, 2010

Back in Action

Got the leak fixed by 10:30am. It was the drive shaft seal. They noticed the rear brake pads were done but had no stock so I rode to Quebec in search of brakes and a tire. Found a shop that had a decent tire and ebc pads, and was off again by 3. I managed to ride 650km and almost made up my lost time. I'm stopped over just west of Montreal.


  1. I'm so glad you were able to finally make it to Montreal. Now your bike should be good to go for the rest of the trip home.

    Bev, Kathleen & I had a wonderful time at the Taste of Edmonton despite a sudden thunder/rain storm that socked in just above the grounds. We didn't get too wet because we huddled in the wine tent with a bunch of other people. Great fun! Home now for the night.

    Hope you have fun checking out the sites tomorrow!

    Love you lots!!! W :D

  2. Glad you got your bike all fixed up.Enjoy your ride.
    It's a lovely day in Waterton.
    xo M.

  3. Hi, Dave! It's Pamela from Mostly Maille (one of Wanitta's *many* FB friends). If I had known you were traveling through Toledo, Don, Ceci, and I would have invited you to breakfast/lunch/dinner! Best wishes on the rest of your trip.

  4. That's sweet Pamela! I'm sure Dave would have loved that. Hugs W :D
