Tuesday, July 13, 2010

3 days to go

In 72 hours I'll be well into the first day of what will be a great adventure. As things turn out, I'll be on my own this trip. Going solo brings both good and bad. No one to share the day with around the campfire but I can set my own pace. Next trip hopefully things will be different.

The bike is ready to go with new tires and all the routine maintenance required...I hope. Today I received my custom seat from Rick Mayer Cycle in California. A little late to be sure but it looks great and seems to fit my behind quite well. I'll know sometime Friday if it was worth the wait.

This trip would not be possible if not for my wonderfully understanding wife. Our 22nd wedding anniversary on Friday and I'll be leaving for 3 weeks....amazing. Thanks too for my co-workers who will take on extra work load while I'm away, I truly do appreciate it.

I'll try and post every few days as the internet permits.

Thanks for following me as I cross the continent!


  1. We'll be watching Dave. Have a amazing trip & be safe.

  2. Hope your first day was an awesome one and that your seat was kind to your "behind". lol
    Love you! W

  3. Welcome to Fargo Dave! think we coulda done it as an Iron-butt?
    Hope your new seat is all it's cracked up to be Lol!
