Tuesday, August 3, 2010

South Dakota

Spent the whole day crossing South Dakota and what a great day. A wonderful ride for the most part with fantastic roads (most straight as an arrow but smooth). Again I tried to stay on secondary roads some of which were flooded and required detours. As I neared Rapid City I realized gas may be a problem and I was riding across a large reservation with little population. I found Enblee, a small community that had gas and not much more. A large storm was brewing to the west and I was headed right into it. Chickened out and turned around but I'm glad I did. It was a doozy.


  1. Phew,close call.
    Love seeing your face again!
    Love you lots!!! W :D

  2. Glad you decided to chicken out, Bro! I ran into one of those storms last summer (with a huge, curved storm wall just like in your video) and it scared the daylights out of me! Thanks for the adventure updates; we love them!


  3. Sweetie, I just gotta say this...everytime I see the video picture of your face with the arrow icon over your eye I think of the Borg... "You have been assimilated".
    I know, I am a pork with a capital "D". LOL
    Love you lots!!! W :D
